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April 3, 2001

 April 3, 2001 July 24, 2001 Aug 29, 2001 Sept 17, 2001





APRIL 3, 2001

Meeting was called to order 7:14PM at the home Kevin and Karene Potter. There were 23 members in attendance. Prior month’s minutes were read and accepted. 

Treasurer’s report:

Balances as of 4/3/01:

Savings balance: $710.69 

Checking balance: $84.70

Total:   $795.39

Several invoices for the iron treatment, picnic and misc. expenses had been received and paid.

Motion to accept  Treasurer’s report was made  . Carried.

Lists were circulated to member’s to update information and sign up sheet for meetings. Dues are $35.00. Forward payments to Gary Jackson.

SOFTBALL LEAGUE: Karene has been talking to the City of Hanover Rec. Dept. about starting a new ladies team from Lake Martha/Lake Charlotte. Costs may run around $400. A sponsor would defray these costs, but otherwise paid by the team players. Karene will be contacting everyone via phone and/or e-mail.

Web-Site: Jim M. and Mike R. have been working and gave us a presentation and explanation of the progress. They are asking for input from members and looking for volunteers to help with input and scanning of information. They are looking for as many ideas and information now in the early stages of development to minimize continual maintenance. Forward your ideas to:   neverboat2far@yahoo.com.           We decided to include meeting minutes as well as distribute as before through individual e-mail.

Huge round of applause for these guys and their efforts to get this project  launched!

Dredging: Bob H. had talked with Miller Trucking to get estimated costs to dredge about 1/3 of the backwater area. Steve H. is checking with Hennepin Parks for information. Waiting to hear back, but preliminary costs are $1.00 per cubic foot or maybe $10-$11,000. Once the cost is determined, then we need to ask how many families would consider this project. Frank F. recalled the DNR previously would not issue a permit to dredge.  Kevin P. will contact DNR to discuss and explore possibility of sharing the cost, if they agreed to issue the permit.

Iron Treatment: Barrels need to be dumped. Scheduled to do this on Saturday 4/7.

Weed Cutting: Discussed if cutting this year was a good idea since the iron treatment of last summer. Mike R. has used his lake camera to view the weed growth and reported “good” weeds are visible. Fish were also visible.

Public Access: This past  winter  ended with most fish houses being vandalized, some more than once. Members discussed  starting a petition to close access. Jeanni T. will call Molly who had talked with officials about this previously.

Freight invoice for Iron Treatment: The association received an invoice from Clear Water Technologies, $675.00, for delivery of 13 Tons of Magnetite last September. While the re-treatment of the iron was a warranty issue, this 13 additional tons was over and above the original project. Bill read a letter he sent to Del Hogen explaining the association’s position, and at the very least, had to present the invoice to the members for final decision. Also read, was Del Hogen’s written response.  A motion was made to accept the invoice and  opened the floor for discussion. After further review, the members voted to accept the invoice in full and Bill T. would notify  Clear Water Technologies and forward payment for same.


Motion to adjourn made and accepted. Adjourned 8:45 PM. 

Next meeting  Monday May 21-Dorothy’s



Dorothy A. Brede

