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Sept 17, 2001

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April 22,2002 May 20, 2002 June 17, 2002 July 15, 2002 Aug 19, 2002 Sept 16, 2002





 Meeting was called to order at 7:15 PM at the home of Frank Summers. There were 12 in attendance.






SEWER:  Discussed sewer information.. Talked about payments of sewer assessment and letter coming from county regarding payment plans and date payment needs to be made to avoid extra interest charges.


GARBAGE PLAN:  Superior Waste new contact is Kari as the original contact doesn’t work there anymore. The bid is good for a year.  We must cancel old service ourselves. Superior has a Friday pick up date. Randy's Sanitiation was upset that their bid didn’t get approved.  Suggestion was made to do follow up letter to companies that made bids and thank them for their help.


CLEAN WATER PARTNERSHIP:  Mike Rydberg told us about MPCA 2 phase program. They grant up to 50% of costs to clean up lake. An application needs to be filled out and we would need to provide a watershed map.  They do analysis, measurements and tests.  Deadline to send in application is mid-October. Mike will look into and fill out application.  He may ask for help with the process.  Motion made to fill out application made by Bill Tregaskis 2nd by Frank Summers and passed.


Kevin Potter received an application from “Minnesota Lakes Association” lobbying for us to join. It has a $50 annual membership. Included in membership:

* $10 per year magazine subscription

* Free web site

* CD ROM shoreline management guide

* Voice in legislature

Table discussion for future meeting.

Items discussed about lake:  Ranked 22 out of 100 on lake clarity.  Lake Martha deemed “not swimmable”. Any lake association can apply for the 2 phase program.

1) Assessment on lake-no fee

2) Implement the recommended changes


“FOCUS” MAGAZINE: Kevin Potter passed out a copy of magazines that had an article about iron treatment on Lake Martha.  Individuals interested in getting a subscription can get a reduced rate on the 1st year subscription.  



Bill Tregaksis-President

Mike Rydberg- VP

Joy Morris-Treasurer

Theresa Witstine-Secretary (nominated, later declined)

Made motion to approve new officers, by Kevin Potter, 2nd by Bruce Biederman-Carried

Many thanks to past year’s officers:

President-Kevin Potter

VP-Bill Tregaskis

Treasurer-Gary Jackson

Secretary-Dorothy Brede

DUES:  Treasurer keeps track of payments received. Current year President is exempt from paying dues.  All others $35.00 per year due at first meeting of the year. First meeting to be determined by officers.

ADOPT A FAMILY:  Mary Leffler mentioned this is through the Village Church and suggested using the lake association name to extend the involvement to others in the area.


Motion to adjourn made by Mike Rydberg and 2nd by Mary Leffler, carried and meeting ended at 8:10.


Dorothy Brede, Secretary

