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Lake Martha Lake Association

Meeting Minutes

Friday, April 7, 2006

The meeting was called to order at 7:18pm at the home of Craig & Julie Kasa – 7252 Ninth Street SE.  There were 15 people in attendance representing 11 households.

The minutes of the September and January meetings were accepted as written.

Vicky Rydberg presented the treasurer’s report, which was accepted.  The balances of the checking and savings accounts as of March 24, 2006, were $1,210.95 and $444.77, respectively.

Craig Kasa stated that 33 people had signed up for the lake weed treatment, which was down from 38 people last year.

Dan Frump gave the official ice off date for this year as yesterday – April 6th.  Dan F. has always recorded ice out when he is able to drive a boat across at a full diagonal of the lake.

The suggestion to alternate meeting days between Fridays and Mondays was made in order to get different people attending, since there had been some complaints that Fridays are not a good night for some people.  Vicky R. voted to keep the meetings on Fridays, saying that Fridays have had the largest attendance compared to times when meetings were held on Mondays or Tuesdays.  Paul Johnson said to shake things up a bit.  Theresa Witstine agreed with Paul J. while someone proposed Thursday meetings.  The final decision was to leave the meetings on Fridays with two exceptions.  The July meeting will be on the lake in boats like last year, but on a Thursday.  In addition, the August meeting will be held before the Annual Picnic like last year, which is on a Saturday.  It was also determined that a winter meeting will become an annual event as well.

Dave Tabbut mentioned that he spoke to Dave Wright with the DNR regarding Lake Martha being included in a study ran with grant money of treating entire lakes for curly leaf.  It would include the same treatments that we currently do.  Dave T. gave him Craig Kasa’s phone number to have the application completed.  Bill Tregaskis asked if the study would be a multi-year program since the pods are known to lay dormant for years.  Dave T. did not have an answer to that question.

Craig K. stated that Miller Trucking had told him that the ice was the reason for no sand deliveries this winter and that they would be back next year if the ice allowed.  They also said that they would deliver sand this summer to anyone that would have access for their trucks to get to their beach area.  Dorothy Brede had said that Lake John in Annandale received sand deliveries this winter.

Paul J. said that he had heard the road paving is a go.  Bruce Biederman agreed with that and added that it is suppose to happen this year – Halsey and Ninth only.

It was mentioned that Mike Rydberg had been checking with Jim Mattson to locate his friend that set up the Lake Martha website three years ago.  Jim Miller brought up checking out GoDaddy.com.  Craig K. mentioned that the website now says under construction and if he clicks to renew it the amount is $75 per year, which is what he remembered Mike R. saying was the cost of three years.  Dave T. said that we went through a different provider, which is different from the domain.  Dorothy B., Vicky R. and Jim M. all said that $75 is not that bad of a price.  Bill T. motioned that Craig K. just renew it for a year and to continue the search for Jim Mattson’s friend.  Jim M. and Paul J. seconded the motion.

Vicky R. volunteered to do the Directory this year and will consult with the Hospitality Committee for new resident updates.  She said that she will have it completed before June when she leaves for the Philippines.

Craig K. presented the price quotes that he had received from Randy’s Sanitation - $11 for a 65-gallon container and $13 for a 95-gallon container.  Angela Miller presented the current group rates from Onyx ($12 for a 65 gallon and $14 for a 95 gallon – regular rates are $17.25 for a 65 gallon and $18.25 for a 95 gallon), plus the heads up she received regarding a price increase of $1 going into effect in July.  Craig K. volunteered to call Onyx to offer them a chance to match Randy’s prices or to loose the group’s business.  Someone asked how to get a new can and Paul J. said that it should be automatic if you need a new one, so just call the company.  Craig K. also mentioned that all three companies that he spoke with wanted to bill the Lake Martha Association as a whole instead of the individual homeowners (as they do condominium or town home associations).  Bill T. said that those associations have mandatory memberships and we do not.  Everyone was against that idea.

It was decided that a Group Discount Committee was not necessary and that individual services would be handled as they came up.

Dave T. said that Wright-Hennepin Link is re-doing all of Rockford and the surrounding areas with high-speed internet (DSL) like Quest.  However, the meeting scheduled the night before regarding the topic was cancelled.  Paul J. stated that WHLink leases the lines from Quest.

Dorothy B. mentioned the group discount on lawn care.  She uses Community Lawn Care, which will spray for weeds at an additional cost to the do it yourself fertilizer that they sell with a portion of the profits being donated back to the community.  She stated that Lake Pulaski has a pork chop feed for the whole community the day that they pick up their fertilizer.  Bill T. and Jeanni T. said that someone should compare the costs of Community Lawn Care, Green Side Up, with whom we negotiated a group discount a couple of years ago, and Green Stuff, who now serves Buffalo and told Angela M. (a former employee of them) that they would give Lake Martha a group discount.

Bruce B. motioned to adjourn the meeting.  Dorothy B. seconded it at 8:12pm.

