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Lake Martha Lake Association

Meeting Minutes

Friday, March 23, 2007

The meeting was called to order at 7:49pm at the home of Craig & Julie Kasa – 7252 9th Street SE.  There were 18 people in attendance representing 13 households.

Tom Giertz, the owner of MidWest Aqua Care was the guest speaker.  He said that the curly leaf weed has probably started growing already, as it is an early weed.  The native weeds do not come in until late May or June.  He also stated that it is an easy weed to control and that they guarantee its control with their treatment – just call the office if the curly leaf weeds do not drop within two weeks after their application. Tom said that Josh Holmberg with his company came out last year on July 14th and took samples of the weeds that we were calling about around that time – after the curly leaf season.  Josh identified the weeds as sago pondweed and coon tail, thus they are proposing a two-treatment program for the lake this year.  Tom mentioned that there are 125 different submerged plants in Minnesota and that it is not uncommon for 4 to 7 of them to be in one lake.  The DNR fee is a one time fee, the curly leaf treatment would remain the same, and the second treatment for the other weeds found last year would be the same price as the first treatment for curly leaf.  There are generally fewer restrictions on the product used in the second treatment.  Tom mentioned that there is not a product on the market that has a swimming restriction.  In addition, he is positive that the treatments do not affect the fish – toxic reactions of fish are extremely rare and they usually occur the same day – maybe the second day.  Tom agreed with the DNR that lakes need native weeds.  He suggested trying to dig up the seeds in order to move toward less curly leaf.  He said that shoreline treatments are usually used as a maintenance system and that treating the entire lake with a smaller potency is better.  Tom also said that there is some funding available for whole lake treatments – Wendy Crow would be the person to talk to about it, but a lake study would be required before the funding would be approved.  He said that he would get all of the contact information to Craig Kasa for a follow-up, plus he would be glad to talk to her on behalf of Lake Martha as he thinks Lake Martha is a good candidate for such treatments.  He did mention that a whole lake treatment could be around $20,000.00 per season – the cost is based on the water volume, which would have to be calculated before an actual price could be given.  Tom stated that the MN Lake Association is a legitimate organization - and the largest.  Also, MN Healthy Lakes is an organization of homeowners that is also fighting the DNR on its regulations through legislation like the industry is.  Currently 15% of a vegetated area can be treated per the DNR.  A vegetated area is defined as 15 feet deep or less.  Lake Martha has 72 acres that fall into that category.  Tom stated that the problem with algae is that it starts growing on the bottom of the lake.  He said to be sure to complete the copper sulfate application before the algae is floating – do it when it is like cotton candy on the floor of the lake.  Tom handed out the weed treatment applications before he left.

Craig K. presented on Vicky Rydberg’s behalf, as she was unable to attend, that the bank started charging an inactivity fee on the savings account.  Dave Tabbut said to call the bank and ask for those charges to be reversed.

John Witstine suggested that the Rockford Township property be turned into a rainwater drain fill.

Bruce Biederman suggested raising the dues.  Lance Scott said to raise them to $40.00.  Bob Halagan mentioned a Lake Improvement District – a small government entity that has taxing authority like a condominium association.  Lance S. mentioned that Lake Charlotte has a LID and Bob H. stated that Lake Pulaski has one as well.  Bob H. motioned to explore a LID.  Jim Miller and Bruce Biederman seconded that motion.  John W. asked if a LID has officers.  Bob H. confirmed that it does.

Craig K. said that he would check into this year’s price of copper sulfate.

Julie Kasa said that non-members need a reason to join the Lake Association.  Mike Rydberg suggested to do a communication.  Paul Johnson volunteered to look at making a flyer with the benefits of the Association.

Bob H. motioned to increase the dues to $50 per year.  Bruce B. seconded and the motion carried.  The dues starting this year are $50.

Bruce B. motioned to adjourn at 9:09pm.  Julie K. and Lance S. seconded.

