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March 6, 2009 April 17, 2009 May 16, 2009 June 20, 2009 July 11, 2009 Aug 8, 2009 Sept 12, 2009

Mar 12, 2010

 Mar 12, 2010 April 11, 2010 May 16, 2010 June 20, 2010 July 18, 2010 Aug 14, 2010 Sept 26, 2010




Lake Martha Lake Association

Meeting Minutes

March 12, 2010 

The meeting was called to order at 7:20 pm by President Paul Johnson.

Elections were postponed until a quorum arrives.

Minutes from the September meeting were read and Bill Tregaskis made a motion to except the minutes with a correction on the spelling of his name.  Dave Tabbut seconded.

Paul Johnson reported on the aluminum can sales. The last load of cans was the largest to date, we received $200. This money is designated for the purchase of copper sulfate.

Jim Miller gave the treasurer’s report. The savings balance was $2,067.56 and the checking account balance was $109.58.  There were two disbursements, a hospice donation for Bobbie Ladd and a baby shower gift for Athena Smeby. Including the can recycling money the ending balance of saving and checking was $2,377.14.

Paul Johnson inquired if we had received money for Community Lawn Care.

Jim Miller said we had not; the price on the lawn care had gone up and was not sure if anyone other than Dorothy was using the service.  Paul stated we were buying the copper sulfate from them.  Jim said he would talk to Randy at Community Lawn Care.

There was a request for volunteers for the VP position.  Paul Johnson said he would do the VP position temporarily.  Bill Tregaskis motioned to elect the list of new officers.

Angela Miller – President, Paul Johnson – Vice President, Theresa Witstine – Secretary and Jim Miller – Treasurer. Bruce Biederman seconded the motion. The motion carried.

There was a discussion on the proposed changes to the DNR permit for weed treatment.

DNR is proposing a change to a 3 year permit, estimated cost of $90 per property, payable in the first year, with no maximum per lake. There was a discussion about the permit being transferable in the event of property being sold. The proposed changes have not been passed yet and the permit fee is the same this year $750.

Sign up sheets for the weed treatment were distributed. Paul Johnson went over the options to sign up for the first and second treatment. It was suggested we select both treatments, which obligated you to the first treatment with an option to do the second.

If you select only the first treatment, you will not have the option to add the second treatment later.  Angela requested the forms be returned to her by March 25th with $50 association dues and $10 for the DNR permit fee.

Angela passed around the 2010 meeting schedule.  Meetings will be on the lake on Sundays, 4 to 5 weeks apart, and avoiding holidays. Please sign up to host a meeting as a back-up in case of bad weather.  Annual picnic is in August.

Angela has the chart for a chance to guess the Ice Out date. $1 for a guess, if more than one person has the date the prize will be split. The definition of ice out was covered. You can cross the lake in open water, thru the middle, to the opposite shore.  It was noted Buffalo Lake has a car on it for Ice Out.

Frank’s Ice Out party is March 26th.  It will not coordinate with the April meeting as it has in past years.

Angela stated at the next meeting we are looking for committee volunteers to work on various projects like the picnic and updating the directory.  Polly stated we need to up date the e-mails also.

Craig Kasa brought the check from community Lawn Care.

Paul Johnson motioned to adjourn the meeting and Bruce Biederman seconded it.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:50.

