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May 16, 2011

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Lake Martha Lake Association

Meeting Minutes 

Monday May 16, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 7:30.

The April meeting minutes were approved.

The treasurers was given and approved. Balance of saving and checking as of 5/16/2011 was 3239.18.  Ray LeGro paid his dues and permit fee for both 2011 and 2012.

The Secchi disk reading on 5/16 was 8 1/2 ft.

Angela reported on the weed treatment scheduled for May 12th.  Angela and Jim surveyed the lake and seeing no evidence of curly leaf rescheduled the treatment for May 19th.  Association Members that scheduled weed treatment had the option of opting out of the weed treatment, but would not receive a refund on the $10 permit fee.  Angela was checking to see if we could delay the treatment longer than the permit allowed, because of low water temp, last day of permit was 5/19. There was discussion about weed life cycle and growth in the winter.

Angela gave an update on the culvert on Dehmer's property.  Nancy Dehmer contacted Angela and reported the culvert was removed and they have no plans to replace it.

Angela and Jim went to a meeting on May 7th concerning the Water sampling program, Aquatic Vegetation sampling program and formation of the Wright County Coalition of Lake Associations (COLA).  The water sampling program we have been doing for a couple years  was approved again for this year. The Aquatic Vegetation program we are getting information from Joe Jacobs of Soil and Water on companies and pricing to test.  The COLA is in process of forming with a sliding dues scale of $25 - $150 (estimate) based on size of  an individual lake association. As a member we will share information between lakes.  Develop lobbying power in government and DNR, and educational workshops.  Meetings are not set yet and could be monthly or quarterly. Each lake needs a representative and an alternate. Angela reported that our lake is not considered a lake in trouble, therefore we are not going to get attention or funds designated to help lakes.   Angela learned we need three things to be considered for any kind of funding or help improving or lake.  They are: 1) A Lake Management Plan, 2) A Public Access and 3) A Vegetation sampling program.  Angela is also working with Joe Jacobs on companies and pricing for a Lake Management Plan.  A Lake Management Plan is a 5 yr plan of things we need to do to improve the lake. Beebe Lake is several years into their Lake Management Plan.  They do fund raising to pay for projects if funding is not available.

The Lake Association received a thank you from Lance and Pam Scott for the flowers they received after their recent surgeries.

Mary and Angela are working on a new Lake Directory and are looking for volunteers to help.

Bill Tregaskis is working with Miller trucking on sand delivery.  There were some problems with notice of delivery.  Bill is putting together a list of people interested and possible discounts.

Bill Tregaskis volunteered to have the picnic at his home this year and the committee needs volunteers.

Due to our poor attendance in the past Lake Charlotte did not invite us to their Spring Social.  Discussion was that we reciprocate and invite them to our picnic.

Report on rain gardens was not ready and rescheduled for June meeting.  

The discussion came up about how many calls Angela is getting.  A suggestion was to reestablish  lake neighborhood representatives, but was dismissed.  The calls mainly are members requesting Angela put the members concerns on the agenda and Angela represent their concern for them. It was decided Angela would put items on the agenda, but members need to attend meetings and represent their concerns themselves.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:17. 


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