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May 14, 2013

 Mar 11, 2013 April 09, 2013 May 14, 2013 June 11, 2013 July 09, 2013 August 10, 2013 Sept 26, 2013




Lake Martha Lake Association

Meeting Minutes

May 14, 2013 

Gary called the May meeting to order at 7:09.

Minutes from the April meeting were read and approved.

Treasurer’s report was given and approved.  Checking balance on 4/10/13 was $1,782.55. Savings balance was $3,164.69. There are two outstanding checks, COLA dues for $25 and water sampling program for $225.

Julie gave the weed treatment and member updates.  31 members are paid.  29 have elected both first and second treatments, 2 elected the second treatment only.

Nancy reported on the May 5th COLA meeting. They went over the new information on the DNR website for permits. http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/plants/index.html. Last year there were 200 permits for curly leaf, 100 for milfoil and 70 for flowering rush and purple loosestrife.

Invasive Aquatic Plant Management Permits (IAPMP). DNR does a plant survey every 10 years. To get a permit for >15% you need a full plant survey done a previous year.  Survey takes a long time to schedule because there are only 8 people doing it in MN.  Curly leaf mats are the true areas it is growing. There is a house Bill HF 118.3 - $7 million for aquatic invasive species. Noted Legislative goals for 2013 season written to prevent spread; decal for decontamination ideas and increase penalties from $300 to higher. 

Nancy is getting signs for boaters to check their boats for invasive species. Plan is to place them on the Frumps property.

Dave encouraged residents to not blow leaves into the lake and clean any in your beach area out, as they are a food source for algae.  This will help us keep the requests for algae treatments down.  

There was a discussion on the frequency for Association Meetings.  The bylaws require only one meeting a year.  Attendance is low at most meetings.  The March meeting is important for weed treatment planning, and June meeting for follow-up, that meeting could be on the boats, and the September meeting for elections.  Committees can meet separately.  Jim volunteered an option of doing a monthly newsletter with updates between meetings.  It would include things like the secchi disk readings. There was a motion to cancel the July meeting.  It was approved. We talked about changing the Bylaws requirement of a September meeting for elections to August.  Bill Tregaskis has been our expert on the Bylaws and we will ask him to look into it.

John expressed concern on the Halsey/County Rd 33 intersection.  He will check with the county about turning lanes.   

Meeting was adjourned at 8:01.


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