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Sept 26, 2013

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Lake Martha Lake Association

Meeting Minutes

September 26, 2013

The September meeting was called order at 7:13.

Minutes from the August meeting were read and approved.

Treasurer’s report was given and approved.  Checking balance on 9/18/13 was $1,057.55. Savings balance was $3,666.18. No picnic expenses have been turned in yet.

Jim reported the secchi disc reading, it was 4 feet on August 19th after a rain, making the water kind of murky.  It is probably 5 to 6 feet now.

Changes to the Bylaws are as follows.

Article III Section 2: Dues.  Julie Kasa made a motion to include in the Bylaws the off lake membership due at 50% rate of on lake members.  Bill Tregraskis seconded and discussion followed.  Theresa read Article III Section 2: Dues with this addition.  Annual dues shall be $50 for on lake members and off lake members at 50% rate of on lake members, payable on or before May 1 of each year, payable to the Treasurer, Lake Martha Improvement Association.  Dues may be raised at the annual September meeting if a quorum is present and with a two-thirds approval vote.  The President of the Association shall receive membership gratis.  The motion was passed.

Article III Section 6: Amendments.  Bill Tregraskis made a motion allowing the Bylaws to be changed at any meeting, with a written request one month prior to vote, allowing a meeting to discuss purposed change. All discussion would be held at the meeting.  Email votes will be counted, allowing for members not able to attend. Michelle seconded.  Discussion followed. There are potential problems with email, not everyone has email, or missed the email sent out. If a discussion starts up in the emails, as has happened in the past, we may have to delay the vote another month, as discussions need to be in the meeting to comply with Roberts Rules. Theresa read Article III Section 6: Amendments with purposed changes.  Amendments to all or any part of these Bylaws may be made at any meeting, with request for, and discussion of changes held at a meeting one month prior to meeting for vote. A quorum is required, including email votes, with a two-thirds approval vote. The motion passed.

There was a discussion about the number of meeting per year.  Bill said there is no set number in the Bylaws. We can schedule meets as needed.  We felt we needed the March meeting for weed treatment scheduling, the September meeting for officer elections and August for picnic. We scheduled the March meeting for March 11th at 7:00 at Michelle Smeby home.

Michelle asked how many members we have currently, Jim said approximately 34. Julie asked if we should change the Bylaws quorum from 8 to a percentage of membership. Pam Scott commented there are 4 officers and the quorum should include a least 2 officers.  Motion made and seconded. Theresa read Article III Section 7: Quorum with purposed change. A quorum shall be at least eight (8) voting member of which at least two (2) are officers.  The motion passed.

Julie asked if we should include the picnic as part of the friendly lake community in Article II Section 2: Goals. Bill stated we do not need to, already part of it. The discussion went on with Julie and Bill commenting on all the benefits members receive like discounts on garbage, lawn care, and discount at Annandale Boat shop.  Others are listed on the Lake Martha Web Site. 

The election of new officers was then opened for nominations.  Gary Jackson as current Vice President was nominated for President, Theresa Witstine was nominated for Vice President, Jim Miller was nominated for Treasurer, and Jennifer Johnson was nominated for Secretary. All nominees were unanimously voted into office.  Congratulations new officers!

New Business:

We scheduled the first meeting for 2014 on March 11 at Michelle Smeby home at 7:00.

Bill asked for Ideas on how best to organize winter sand delivery, emails did not work as well as could have and he was looking for any ideas for improvement. Michelle suggested using Survey Monkey, Joyce said she was familiar with it and would work with Bill this year and try that.

Bill also asked if anyone had any other ideas on purchases we could try to get additional group discounts on, emphasized they are not cash deals that are potentiality illegal. No one had any ideas at the meeting.

Jim said he is still collecting cans to turn in.  Cans only as they are turned in to The Can Man and they do not accept scrape aluminum.

Dan motioned to thank the President for his service, all approved.

Lance motioned to adjourn.   

Meeting adjourned at 8:04.

