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July 21, 2019

 Mar 14, 2019 May 02, 2019 July 21, 2019 Sept 17, 2019




Lake Martha Association Meeting

Sunday July 21, 2019


Last meeting minutes-Carolyn

Treasure report-Jim

Aeration Report-Clarity committee

New Business

Form a Weed Treatment committee

Question: Do we need to increase annual dues?

Election of new Officers for 2020

Introduction of new resident


Meeting commenced at 12:11 pm

Minutes from last meeting were read and approved.

Treasurer’s Report was read and approved:

Balance as of 3/14/19 $4,059.44
3/26 – Deposit (Dues) $840.00
3/27 – Dave Tabbut - #2144 (Web Hosting) ($78.60)
4/2 – Deposit (Dues) $800.00
4/8 – Midwest AquaCare - #2145 (DNR Permit) ($980.000
4/11 – Midwest AquaCare - #2146 (DNR Permit) ($35.00)
5/3 – Deposit (Aeration Donations and Dues) $8,050.75
5/16 – Chad Kugler - #2148 (Aeration Materials) ($9,932.16)
5/17 – Wright Soil & Water - #2147 (Water Sample) ($270.00)
6/5 – Deposit (Aeration Donations) $2,020.00
7/12 – Deposit (Aeration Donations) $1,819.42
Bank Balance as of 7/20/19 $6,293.85
Notes: Aeration Donations Gross: $11,670.00 Net after GFM Fees: $11,440.17  
38 total members: 3 off lake, 5 dues only, 30 on treatment permit  

New Business:

Weed Treatment Committee

We already have equipment to do our own lake treatment. There have been issues with Midwest Aquacare treating at the appropriate time. Jim has spoken with Aquatic Solutions, which sells the product that treats Beebe Lake. Their main service is to teach lake owners how to treat their lakes themselves. 50’ would cost $150.00 in product. Aquatic Solutions owner is willing to come to the September meeting. 

    Weed Treatment Committee: Jeff, Jim and Lisa. Members hope Joe will be on committee as well, but he was not present.


Jim has ownership with Office Mart, which will donate 5% to a fundraiser. He proposed setting up a Lake Martha fundraiser, in which members would purchase office supplies through Office Mart, and 5% would go to the Lake Martha fund. No decision was made.

Chad will monitor electricity bills, and estimate in the next couple months the fixed cost of extra electricity.

It was estimated that we may need to raise dues another $50 per year to cover electricity. Dorothy has researched other lake association’s nearby and their dues, and this is still very low in comparison.

Membership/Welcoming Committee:

Caitlin and Jane will lead this committee, in which they will make a list of benefits of being association members, i.e. local discounts, and they will prepare and send welcome packets to new neighbors.

Caitlin and Jane will send the list of discounts to Dave Tabbut for the website.

New Officers:

President: Bryan Boroughs,

Vice President: Joe Molesky (He was not present, but has since agreed to this new office.)

Treasurer: Jim Miller, Secretary: Carolyn Boroughs

These members will maintain these posts for two years.

Meeting adjourned at 12:48 pm

Next Meeting: September 17, 6:30 pm, Jeff and Jane Reed’s home: 7252 9th St. SE



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