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Sept 17, 2019

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Lake Martha Association Meeting

Tuesday, Sept 17, 2019


Last Meeting Minutes - Carolyn

Treasurer Report – Jim

Old Business:

Weed Treatment - Jim

Water Quality Committee – Chad, Joe and Matt

Dues – (With input from Chad on electricity costs)

Membership/Welcoming Committee – Caitlyn, Jane

New Business:

Sewer Assessment – Jim

Lake Martha Overflow Long Term Solution - Bryan


  1. Meeting began at: 6:50
    1. Secretary's Report: Last meeting’s minutes were read and approved.
    2. Treasurer’s report:
    3. Beginning balance $6293.85.  Deposit of $150.  New total as of 09/17/19 meeting = $6443.85.
    4. Old/New Business:
      1. Weed Treatment:
        1. The gentleman from Aquatic Solutions will be invited to the next meeting, to discuss buying weed treatment solution from him and applying it ourselves.
        2. He will show Jim how to apply for the permit with the DNR.
      2. Lake Quality/Aeration:
        1. Chad gave a summary of the aeration. System turned on May 11.  Residents reported that the water quality has improved.
        2. The daily cost of running the system is $10.64. Power cost to date: $1,373.67. Power cost if we turn the system off on November 1: $1851.36.
        3. Chad will install heat tape so the system can be turned on and re-oxygenate the water in case of winter kill.
      3. Sewer:
        1. On Aug 14 the county had a meeting. Bob Heevala from the county attended this lake association meeting and gave overview of what took place at that meeting.
          1. There’s a shortfall. In 2001 an organization asked for bonds for an infrastructure for sewer. They anticipated revenues from assessments over time, with interest. People paid them off right away, creating a shortfall in making those service payments. It would be about $3000 per hook-up to make up for this shortfall. There’s no funding for replacing the infrastructure/pipeline.
          2. Questions were asked about the bond. Bob explained that it is a general municipal bond in the county’s name. The bond was issued in 2001. Refinanced in 2011.
          3. Questions were asked regarding the finality of this assessment, i.e. will the county be asking for more money in the future. Bob answered that the $3000 will get us through the current shortfall.
          4. A question was asked about whether or not the money goes into future upkeep of the system. Bob answered that this is what the advisory board will discuss.
          5. There will be an advisory board set up with members from Lake Martha, Lake Charlotte and the county. The board’s goal will be: how to fund the shortfall. Bring a solution to the county.
          6. It was asked if the advisory board would have access to an audit. The answer was yes.
          7. Motion for Dorothy, Jim and Nate to represent Lake Martha. Approved. They will contact the Lake Charlotte members.
      4. Dues:
        1. There are around 32 members. Aeration is $2k per year, which equals approximately $62 per household needed, above the $50 per year currently collected. There was a motion to increase dues to $100 per household and half of that for off lake members. Motion approved.
        2. Motion to continue the Go Fund Me account. Approved.
        3. Chad explained that some associations establish a fee level with the county. It’s a forced fee (tax), collected by the county, and paid back to the association. It was discussed that we manage dues in this manner. We would have to form a lake improvement committee. Motion to table this idea for now. Approved.
        4. We will put a committee together at the next meeting to research a lid.
      5. Membership Welcoming Committee: tabled until next meeting
      6. Lake Martha Overflow Long Term Solution
        1. Mr. Dehmer would like a long term, 10 year solution. It gets dredged out on both sides. Mr. D is asking that whatever we dredge out that we remove from his property. The easement is just for the culvert, not his land. We cannot trespass on his property.
        2. Motion for Carolyn to contact Mr. Spinner for an estimate. Approved.
        3. Will get a second estimate. Angela will send contact information for another person. We will get the estimates and then go from there.
        4. The lake is higher than it ever has been.
        5. It needs to be cleaned out this fall. Bryan will clean it out, and when he’s with Mr. Dehmer, he will propose bringing Joe next time, as the future association president.
  2. Next meeting – February 11, 7:00 Location TBD (Dorothy’s or Caitlyn’s)

  3. Meeting adjourned at: 9:10


